Happy eating!
Mr. Leung’s version
This is going to be my third time around with doing a blog. The first was before these things were called blogs back in the mid-1990s in college and I had to put together my webpage on Netscape and Mosaic. Ah yes, the good old days of 28k modems (I actually had a 2400bps modem but who’s counting).
Baked Goods R Us
For those of you who are reading this blog for what creative inspirations my wife’s creations can give you, you can probably bypass my stuff (that and you are probably reading it for her Chinese commentary). I’m the apartment’s baker/dessert maker. This means basically that I get to do this when we have guests cause my wife doesn’t like desserts.
I like to follow recipes to the letter and then make adjustments if they flop or not to my taste. I’m not much into the “pinch of this” or “dash of that” and that’s a good thing for desserts.
The recipes that I’ll share some are pass me downs from my mom or other relatives or some great ones I found on the web. I’ll also share some of my own experiments (probably just the ones that came out right.)
Quick Meals
I’ll also try to share with you some of my “quick” meals. There are different types of “quick” meals. 1) Fast preparation time (and then you throw it in the oven and wait) or 2) let’s get eating.
Yes, they won’t be very impressive, but hey, whatever gets you eating right?
回覆刪除Mrs Leung is so lucky to have an in-house (private) baker/pâtissier! A 'THUMB-UP' for Mr Leung.
話時話..我BLOG的食譜好多時係冇計幾多鹽/糖, 口味嘅野好個人~~所以我都好BUY你~~
BTW, 其實....我本身都係梁小姐~~LOL
thanks miss leung!
刪除口味真係個個人唔同. 要自己調教
回覆刪除所以有邊個跟左我煮但覺得唔好食的, 唔可以怪我呀hahahaha
刪除Mr & Mrs Leung, 別生氣, 無聊、白痴的留言不必理會, 更不需回覆。
回覆刪除You are a sweet couple....so envy~~